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Welcome to xmei's blog~!=D
Saturday, February 21, 2009Y

i feel so nice that i decided to post again! (okay dun make sense LOL)

but here comes the CHINGAY photos~!

Ushers 1 (U1) girls!

U1! but some of the guys are missing =(

U1 whole grp! finally. it was taken after lunch i tink...

Whole of Area 1 pple! we're the ones ushering the audience stand right in front of the main stage! =D damn good view! our section heads are retarded LOL (they are the ones lying down, if u can tell that is =X)

oh and this is NOT from chingay DUH. just that i chope this from lily's phone and i tink its a frigging nice photo (cus is taken by a pro with a DSLR =.=) during our first friendly with ACJC! =D argh i miss those times man...

That's all folks! will post more if i have more nex time!

ends at 7:47 PM

sweet 18~! -> 180209 =D

180209 -> officially the BEST day of my life! =DDDD

and of cus the reason is cus, im EIGHTEEN!!!! finally!

and and this year, i got super COOL presents from all my fwens! thanks so much everyone! each and every one of you rawk!!! don't worry i'll try to mention everyone kay! HAHA

i shall start with wishes!

well, on 17th Feb 09 12.00am, aka the first few seconds of my BIRTHDAY, the first to wish was... (drum rolls)


hahaha right on the dot i swear, and TIANCHONG was the second to sms in but he complain say he smsed at 12.00.02 still second LOL and i have to mention my good sister LILY! cus she adjusted her phone timing to mine which was 5/6 mins earlier, so i received her wishes 5/6 mins earlier LOL!

oh and a certain dumb SHIFU whom i was talking to online from b4 12am to after 12 am was the third to wish me =.= ultra noob! cus he blocked and unblocked me, trying to scam say he go sleep farnie! ohoh then was ZELIA! who i had to reply in sms cus my laptop lagged =.= damn sian... then EHUI!!! MARCUS and ZHIYANG smsed in the morning b4 i reached sch...

and there are certain few who wished way b4 the 18th! theres the whole of FRISBEE PPLE who bought me the SARALEE chocolate cake! lol i can still remember the brand okay! and KAICHUN who was appearing offline and tried wishing me by leaving an offline msg (while i was online LOL =.=) SHUFENG smsed me while she was at home on tue! lol then she realised it was on wed instead LOL! and of cus TKY who non stop reminded me how long it was till my bdae, seems like she was totally more excited then i was!

okay here comes the presents part! =) its in chronological order (like who gave me first LOL i tink!)

the very first present i got was a mirror! and it was hand made! from LILY! haha got it very early in the morning... she made it herself leh! huge borders where she wrote all her msges and design very nicely with the mirror in the middle! cool man! its a super cool present and it shall be standing by my table once i find the space LOL!

next is YANHUI's bear plus pink photo frame stand! and this super cool badge that she tink is gothic and suits me LOL! farnie gurl!

then for the rest of the day i was wondering why XINXI keep daoing and was one of the last to wish me... then she sent me this veh farnie sms in third person pov (as in like XINXI nvr wish xinmei happy birthday is cus... for the whole sms) and told me to go fishtank de fridge to find my present LOL! and it was two ice creams! woots! haha then she said buy two cus i eat alone veh sad then in the end we ate together, i bet she planned that all along! ROFL

next was a super lame and super zzz present LOL from ZHIYANG. he chope my phone suddenly and came back with a plastic stuck on the back of my phone with masking tape =.= okay la its quite thoughtful cus my phone dropped b4 then the back cover came off... so he pasted a plastic over to prevent it from dropping off, but still! talk abt aesthetic appeal! lol but i nvr take it off until now la, so nice right (or rather, too lazy to =X)

oh then, i kena scammed =.= by this two idiots. one actually. who told me the day b4 that he no time go buy present zzz and then i got a damn cool pencil case from artbox... inside still got a super cute tofu plus damn long eraser which says 'SMILE~!' LOL and the note super sweet~! =D thank you SF and LITEFIERY!

oh then after sch i was suppose to wait until 7 plus for sheena they all to finish cca then go for dinner then i decided to go shopping by myself awhile... jus happen so MARCUS tagged along say wan buy present for me so we wen bugis, super long bus ride =.=

in the end we wen J.co for donuts and ice green tea which he treated =D the atmosphere damn good... then we talk talk while waiting for TKY to come (we were suppose to go shopping b4 that but she was frigging late cus got trning LOL) so MARCUS pei me from 3.45 to 7.45 lol thank you la okay! eh but then he and TKY work together come niao me WTS! zzz i had half the mind to leave and let them create fireworks themselves HAHA!

but it was a fun conver la b4 i wen PS for dinner with XINGYI, YEN NGEE, JINGYU, HUIJUAN and SHEENA! they bought a punkstar bag for meeee~! damn nice! YEN NGEE hand made a beetle paper clip in the shape of my name super cool! then they treated me to dinner at Secret Recipe oso, i din noe then ordered alot =X paiseh pple! they din let me pay at all =( you guys rawk la seriously! and we talked super long too, ite been so long since we could all get together! it was a fun night! =D

oh then i had a belated bdae party las night! its tonight actually jus that passed midnight liao lol. and the birthday girl aka ME was late for more than one hour =X im so sorry!!! lol i watch drama at home until too engrossed and forgot the time (cus i wen lunch with KAIYUN and CHINKIAT at yishun after that wen bac home...) and so we wen to eat lunch at pasta mania! they attempted to make me carry my own present for punishment (cus it was frigging heavy) buy ENGWAY was nice enough to help me carry throughout thank you!!!

and if you happen to be wondering wad it was...

it was MAHJONG!!!

lol and yes i meant the REAL mahjong set... COOL RIGHT! totally COOLIOS! lol and golden back somemore imba shit! and also include this full POKER set! wts and i mean really FULL set la! cus its in this huge metal box, with two sets of cards, 8/10 sets of poker chips (and dale! HAHA) and a guidebook O.o wth seriously, this people are IMBA, i dun even noe where to buy all these things!

and so, after dinner, we wanted to go watch movie but dun haf cus all start super late then some of them need go home early =( (or else can go clubbing after that =X im of legal age!) and so we wen arcade instead and still had fun! lol DDR, shooting plus the 'board game' oh no i dunno the name. u noe the one, u got one round chip with two erm, rounds things u can grab one (sound so wrong LOL) then u stand on two side of the game table and u try getting the chip inside the small slot of the table and while playing got air blowing the chip so it sort of floats. ROFL if u frequent the arcade u will noe wad im talking abt, im totally like an idiot trying to explain wad it is zzz

so anyways EW was frigging violent when that game, even with KY =.= then we had a 2V2! me and KY VS EW and DALE LOL super close game leh! 7 - 6! to them la cus EW was so frigging violent he nearly flung the thing to hit the chip =.= or maybe dale did (oh wad a pun! LOL)

we were super thirsty after that so wen 7-eleven to get a drink (DALE treated me though its only 1.60 but its the though that counts! LOL) oh b4 that i found this bag which is frigging nice! it is this brown bag with a huge polka dot ribbon tied to the back lol but its frigging nice so i bought it! 29.90! not bad la, its limited edition! cus its hand sewn and theres only two made! COOLIOS! oh and i bought this badge that resembles a jacket, wollen de super cute then can attach it to the bag! the shopkeeper was super nice enough to sell it to me at 10 bucks! she frigging nice =D

a HUGE thanks to all these pple for making the night so fun: CHINKY, TIANCHONG, SHI ING, KAIYUN, ENGWAY, HONGCHAN and DALE!

oh and JINGYI is goanna get me the shiny blue SHIOK disc! i think? LOL!


it was the best birthday ever, really.


ends at 8:37 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009Y


i told u it'll be fun with the jnrs ard =) and all of them in the brand new potato sack looking all blurish HAHA.

first thing i told zijin this morning wen i saw her, 'you look so... WEIRD!'
which is also practically the same thing i told all my jnrs HAHA. quite a few of them use draw string (is that what u call it?) then look veh funneh cus dunno why the whole uniform still looks weird =X

i wonder wad the ones who din noe what draw strings were did. omg, you dun wanna imagine...

oh and i met nearly all my jnrs!!! =D jeanette, jiaming and angela came over to my class bench with xinxi! oh man oh man its been so long since i've seen them! (though its only like one year but still!) just can't believe we are all like studying in one sch again! its like ur good friends who went overseas to study just came bac to study with you! its like having all the pple u noe and all the pple u love appear around you again =))))

oh and yes i saw u eening! haha she tried to call me during my second break but i was too busy trying to finish my food (cus only half an hour break zzz) then i called her back and she daoed. in the end i saw her at one of the benches =.= LOL

(WARNING: ranting starts here. close window if u dun wish to read on)

talking abt second break! wad the shit. some idiot jus totally pissed me off till i nearly scared off one of my jnr while ranting... well i was queuing at mixed veg stall, CLEARLY standing behind the girl who was ordering, then suddenly out of nowhere, in came a not veh short girl from the right side, totally leaning over all the glass 'windows' that were covering all the food and staring at all of them as if she din eat for a year =.=

oh then she still had the cheek to turn to look at me for awhile before turning back to 'eat up' all the food with her eyes. WTH. and apparently it is someone i know. i was so pissed off i walked off to join my friend at another queue and there she was, leaning her whole damn body on the glass pannel and her two arms and head lying on top of it, either flirting with the uncle inside, or threatening to grab all the food at display and just stuff it inside her mouth.

i sound mean, don't i? but sorry pple, i HATE queue cutters. blatant queue cutters are the WORST. she could at least ASK if she could go first and i will veh nicely let her do so although i have only a half an hour break and her class apparently had a whole frigging hour break.

oh, then i was wondering if i ever had friends. my friends have their good friends coming all the way from the OTHER wing to find her. and go home together. me? i run AROUND the wing trying to find friends to talk to. wow. and how will it feel like if you were totally kena pangsehed by the friend that u were waiting for so long, doing absolutely nothing after school? why am i always the one running around finding friends to talk to? or is it that all my friends don't even bother about me at all?

haix. and there are the ones who love to lie and pretend that the pple they are lying to have no idea about it at all.

just to remind you, they do.

and to that certain fated one, thanks for wadever u just did, when u actually knew how much i was looking forward to this friday. you totally made my day =)

oh btw. dun need to say any comforting words to me, doesn't work in this case, and im just ranting. seriously.

ends at 2:04 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2009Y


im like still rushing my tutorials for mon even though i haf like math test on mon too.

wad the shit. and gone is the motivated oxm who swore to die die finish all her tuts by HERSELF and mug effing hard for ALL the test. how do they expect us to do well throwing everything at us like this?!

well at least there are certain things to be looking forward about next week! like...

No. 1!

Next friday is CNY celebration!!!! and im totally looking forward to mah-jong-ing session at dale's house using REAL monnehhhh!!!! whhoo totally exciting. plus i might haf dinner outings on both fri and thurs, so its like non stop funnnnn!

No. 2!

this comes earlier than CNY but less fun than that la =X the IP j1s are coming in!! okay u're probably asking wads so exciting abt that but that will mean my JNRS are coming in!!! haha then you will seriously see the sch much more lively rather than all dead fishes with all the heads stuck in books (its only the FIRST week of sch!) and u will see blur sotongs hanging outside the school in bunches of whites HAHA

No. 3!

if CNY is coming soon, that will mean CHINGAY is coming too!!!! haha that will be on nex friday after this coming week... and i'll be released early on friday too! whee~ it'll be fun fun fun!!!

No. 4!

omg i shud totally put this at the front (cus its like the NO.1 ULBER IMPORTANT THING) but nonetheless, u noe shud wads coming AFTER CHINGAY!!!

this is a once in a year event and the most important day in the whole damn year! start saving up for this day pple! oh actually u dun need to, jus use wadever u haf inside the hundreds of red thingys u get from CNY!!!

grab thy monehhh, go to any cool shops around ps, cine, bugis, and purchase a HUGE, FLUFFY and CUTEY soft toy (or anything just as nice) for the gift exchange on that day! the only rule is to give and not to take! HAHA i mean, you might not get ur present from the person u're giving to (cus theres no need to, DUH!) and there will be only ONE person u'll be giving to! WAHAHA.

better get urself ready! =D

ends at 7:30 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008Y

kay im blogging im blogging!!!

two reasons i realised why i blog more las time than now:

1: my laptop keyboard is so much nicer to type! i preer those kind of keyboards type got sound one haha then wen u type veh fast, veh nice to hear the typing sounds and all the while i've been using my desktop cus its way faster but the keyboard sucks so no fun while posting =(

2: you pple now only tags while i stop posting! roar. start tagging if u wan me to start updating! lol i mean no point updating if no one reads right, and i will never noe u're a silent reader unless u tag (which i tink there are quite a lot =X)

oh and maybe for the third reason, i only start blogging when im busy. HAHA totally contradicting, it's sort of like to fill up the free time yeah... like i tend to blog when im mugging for a test, jus like now, im supposed to mug for a FIRST AID TEST! =.=

okay so as i was wondering wad we were going to do at chingay CERT trning today from 9 to 6, the first thing the instructor told us was that we have a test tmr and if we fail that one, we probably can forget joining chingay =.= and tols us wad the previous class scored veh badly and kena scolding like shit. ultra scam, we heard from one of the volunteers from the previous session that the whole grp passed =.=

okay so we haf a theory paper wif 20 mcqs (doesn't sound that bad right) BUT! the notes we are going to study for it is like the thickness of two chapters of bio notes, or maybe one, depending which topic haha. yeah and we haf only like tonight to study? how nice. im just going to read through and note some important points nia though inside like ALL important points...

and we haf a practical!!! omg. and that is one man CPR


lol to a fake one duh but still! a lot of steps and every steps must do very accurately and no stops at all. you're trying to save a man's life here yo! roar. im not so scared of the practical but more of the test zzz hopefully its common sense =X oh then u get this cert where u are certified to do CPR or first aid for abt 2 to 3 years! for free leh! not bad loh then they might pick a few for a more advanced course if u're good enuff. oso for free leh! i wanna try man, might be somewhat useful in future if i were to go into medical sect...

chingay volunteer not easy be loh! u think jus sign some form then go there for fun? first is this trning then we haf a few more trnings in jan probably for wad we will do for chingay parade itself, im hoping for interaction time between volunteers man, can make more friends, isn't it like the main fun part abput joining it? ,

oh oh then i thought of the perfect idea for christmas presents... but i haven really gathered all the materials, probably getting tmr and sat, then chioing the weekends to do =X hopefully i can finish! okay i better go read my first aid notes and maybe practise CPR with my pillow HAHA! if u're having heartache or breathing difficulties or unconscious, call me kay! i'll be more than happy to be able to practise my CPR =)

ends at 4:24 AM

Thursday, December 4, 2008Y

Today's trning is damn SHIOK!!!

haha cus two of the Shiok players came to coach today!

at first was super sian cus dunno wad we are goanna train, apparently veh little pple came (like 6?) then Ms phua and fenghao came! (did i spell correctly =.=) then the whole trning left to them le...

started with quite a few drills, i din noe jus throwing like 40 back and forehands enough to get me tired liao =X but they were good starting throws... then wen into throwing, cutting drills in a square where u can to figure out when is the right timing to cut. after dat was a sideline drill, which i tot was really useful though it got us quite some time to realise how it works =X and from all dat drill oso learn a lot like how to mark properly, the force and how to get off ur defender...

there was also the reading drill which was super imba cus they really can throw damn far and damn well T.T and really got to read it properly cus it can go anywhere.

after dat de two drills was jus imba.. one is this relay drills where u run to the centre of the square then to corners then to middle again for all four corners. we did like forward, backward, sideways, surprisingly the side one most difficult, and loser haf to do 20 push ups =X that one still okay, but is really feel ur muscle ache! both arm and below knee!

oh then the las drill was really damn imba... three cones, 4 sets of running. imagine the three cones in a straight line, the furthest being 3. cannot really remember the distance but it looks short but seriously its not! by the second set we really all cmi liao. so we did like, u noe run to first cone come bac to second cone come bac that kind, then we did: 1,2,3 then 3,3,3 then 3,2,1 and the killer one 1,2,3,2,1 =.= that one is seriously imba. cus do it after the drills we did b4 that, its killing. by the end of it, we all sit down right then immediately butt cramp! omg first time leh! run until butt cramp!

after dat still haf match and we were like seriously dreading it or maybe not la rather jus really drained and all lying on the ground completely. complete wipeout! =X luckily they make the field smaller! i got to play handler which was really fun cus get to practise a lot dumping and seeing when can throw, cus i got to pick up a lot of transition disc =) fenghao is damn imba! he like got veh nice 'd's, i got to play handler with him and marked ms phua! =X its veh fun cus learn a lot and we had a lot of good passes! i guess.

ms phua had a sprained ankle but still super good at dumping! i always kena outrun by her cus she will always go to the back for dump so i let her then after she throw then she chiong pass me to get another pass back to her O.O totally shocked. she had a good mark on me too, got one she 'poached'a little like stand a bit more front and totally 'd'ed my disc jus wen i threw out T.T

oh then got once i was marking ms phua it was a turn over then i can't remember who threw the disc quite high up and i knew i could 'd' it so i jus ran forward... managed to push off the disc, then something hit me hard and i fell. sprawled on the ground T.T i did even noe my specs fell off, but my whole body not aching though slammed straight to the ground... is my lower left part of my chin kena hit by fenghao's shoulder i tink, apparently we both go try d the disc, took me awhile to get rid of that giddiness in my head, as in its like u dunno wad happen at all and cannot think properly when ur chin and head is throbbing needed a moment to settle down then finally can stand up. it was okay after awhile jus a bruise under the chin i guess, press will pain =X

first time i crash into someone seriously but glad it wasn't that bad and everyone keep asking whether i okay no matter how many times i said okok, remembered someone come ask if i can see in a straight line or sth? LOL injuries are common la like how we haf two baikas today lol... and we won in the end, so its worthed it =)

oh then guess wad we had for cool down! ZZZ some across the universe thingy?! okay it is this scissors paper stone game where u start as an egg. then u find someone same as u and play scissors papers stone. if u win, u become a chick. then a dinosaur, then finally a superman or sth where u end the game. so if u lose u go one level down... haha its super hilarious, i managed to get out really fast like second one or sth =) in the end left a egg (fenghao! HAHA), chick and dinosaur then cannot play le.

to think that both of them picked frisbee up in the US is really cool. i tink if can play with foreigners when u go overseas its super cool! cus apparently the european and american countries haf that in their blood, like they knew how to play frisbee since they were born. the sport came from them too isn't it? someday if u are going overseas and going to a beach bring a frisbee! or really must join a group playing!

ahh aching all over, my left leg die liao. hopefully it wun worsen tmr! rah and its still raining zzz

ends at 12:20 AM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008Y

heh heh heh.... guess wad pple!!!
i've got my first item from my christmas present listtttt!!!! whee! and its a Chip stufffed toy with a christmas hatttt! WAHAHA im damn happy!
wen out wif ky today, both of us were in the rahhhhh mood la so we wen bishan arcade play kiap kiap! and if you haf been wondering wad kiap kiap and zhuan zhuan is, kiap kiap the game where u put a coin in, then u use the clamp to grab one of the toys inside de machine! and zhuan zhuan is the one where u put the coin in then u turn the knob until a ball comes out of the machine, do they both have names? LOL
and so and so, we wen to play the kiap kiap, then we found the chip n dale with the christmas hat oneeeeee! omg omg omg i was like i NEED to get that!!! they haf another HUGE one but that is like impossible to catch ROAR but the smaller one is super cute too~! so we tried and tried and tried and guess wad...
we still din get it.
HAHA after dat we found all that toys in Gift a name! omg including the HUGE one! but its like 60 bucks RAH. and so ky was frigging nice and bought me the smaller oneeeeee! omg omg i'll remember you for the rest of the YEAR TKY!!!! =DDDDD shes the best!
tmr got bbq, still tinking whether to go anot, no money liao leh, super broke haix.
has been quite worried and sad over certain stuff, but i guess i will get over it somehow...

ends at 4:42 AM